feminine noun
कुढ़न होना
to hold a grudge
intransitive verb
कुढ़न लगना
hold a grudge against someone
intransitive verb
कुढ़न लगना
to annoy
intransitive verb
किसी से कुढ़न होना
to bear a grudge against someone
intransitive verb
किसी पर कुढ़न निकालना
taking out one's anger or resentment on someone else
Synonyms :
transitive verb
Examples :
- Level C1
- बच्चे अक्सर अपने माता-पिता पर कुढ़न निकालते हैं Children often take out their anger on their parents
- वह अपनी समस्याओं के लिए हमेशा मुझ पर कुढ़न निकालता है He always takes out his anger on me for his problems
- अपने बॉस से डांट खाने के बाद, उसने अपनी पत्नी पर कुढ़न निकाला After being scolded by his boss, he took out his anger on his wife
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