पैदा - پیدا
पैदा होना
be born
intransitive verb
Examples :
- Level B1
- आप कहाँ पैदा हुए ? Where were you born ?
- आप कहाँ पैदा हुई ? where were you born ?
- मैं फ़्रांस में पैदा हुआ I was born in France
- वह फ़रवरी में पैदा हुई She was born in February
- आपकी पत्नी कहाँ पैदा हुई ? Where was your wife born?
- इंसान पैदा होते ही क्यों रोता है ? Why does the human being cry at birth?
- level to be defined
- आपके बच्चे कहाँ पैदा हुए ? Where were your children born?
पैदा करना
to create
transitive verb
Examples :
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