Synonym :
masculine noun
Examples :
- Level A2
- मेहमान आते हैं Guests arrive
- मेहमान आ गये The guests have arrived
- सभी मेहमान आ गए हैं All the guests have come
- हमारे मेहमान दिलचस्प लोग थे Our guests were interesting people
- मेरे घर पर आज मेहमान आ रहे हैं I have guests at home today
- Level B1
- मेहमान को पानी पिलाओ Give water to the guest
- जब घर मेहमानों से भरा हो When the house is full of guests
- हमने मेहमानों का स्वागत किया We welcomed our guests
- मेरे पढ़ने बैठे ही मेहमान आ गये As soon as I sat down to read the guests arrived
- Level B2
- मेहमान और बुरा वक़त कभी पूछकर नहीं आते Guests and difficult times arrive without warning
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