village council
پنچایت (پنچائت)
administrative division of a district
responsible for a district administrative subdivision
تحصیل دار
system of government
Central government
The village council meets
State administration
لال فیتہ شاہی
They are government employees
Administer a district
The executive and the judiciary
Is it necessary to remove section 370 ?
Should the judicial system be reformed?
The list of members of the 16th parliamentary chamber
Establishment of an independent judiciary
Is the deletion of section 370 a good measure ?
The maximum number of members in the room is 552
The Indian Constitution came into force on 26 January 1950
It is necessary to instill in the administration new ideas and a new dynamism
Rural panchayats have once again taken their share in the public life of our country
The Indian government issued an identity card for the citizens of the country, namely aadhaar card
Since antiquity the panchayat occupies an important place in the social, political and economic life of India
Many foreign investors and businessmen in the country generally complain that corruption and red-tape are still prevalent in India