to increase
intransitive verb
Examples :
- Level A2
- दाल के दाम बढ़े हैं Lentil prices have increased
- उसका ज्ञान बढ़ रहा है It increases its knowledge
- Level B1
- बढ़े हुए ख़र्च Increased expenses
- बढ़ती हुई संख्या A figure that increases
- बढ़ती हुई ग़रीबी Increasing poverty
- नदी में जल बढ़ गया The level of water has increased in the river
- मेरी मज़दूरी बढ़ने वाली है My salary will increase
- Level B2
- महंगाई बढ़ती गई Inflation has increased
to grow
intransitive verb
to grow up
intransitive verb
to move forward
intransitive verb
Examples :
to progress
intransitive verb
Examples :
to increase
intransitive verb
Example :
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