masculine noun
Examples :
- Level B2
- भारतीय प्रतिनिधि An Indian representative
- निर्वाचित प्रतिनिधि An elected representative
- विशेष प्रतिनिधि A special representative
- राजनीतिक प्रतिनिधि A political representative
- स्थायी प्रतिनिधि A permanent representative
- प्रतिनिधियों का चुनाव The election of representatives
- प्रतिनिधि की हैसियत As representative (Lit. status of a representative)
- वे जन प्रतिनिधि होते हैं They are the representatives of the people
प्रतिनिधि चुनना
to elect a representative
Synonyms :
transitive verb
Example :
- Level B2
- हम एक नए प्रतिनिधि चुनेंगे We will elect a new representative
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