Suggest a translation

इतना - اِتنا

इतना so


Examples :

  • Level A1
  • वहाँ इतनी मिठाइयाँ हैं ? There are so many candies out there
  • level to be defined
  • इतनी मोटी So big
  • इतना दूध So much milk
  • इतना पैसा So much money
  • इतना अच्छा So good
  • इतना भयंकर So horrible
  • इतना ही As much as that
  • इतनी जल्दी So quickly, already!
  • इतना ही नहीं Not only that
  • इतना महत्त्वपूर्ण So important
  • इतना कुछ हुआ So much has happened
  • मैं इतना थक गया हूँ I am so tired
  • आप इतने ग़ौर से क्या देख रहे हैं ? What are you looking at so carefully ?
  • इबोला क्यों इतना खतरनाक है ? Why ebola is so dangerous?
  • उन्हें इतनी बड़ी जीत की उम्मीद नहीं थी He did not expect such a victory
इतना so


Examples :

  • level to be defined
  • इतना क्यों डरते हो ! Why are you so scared !
  • आपके लिए यह बात इतनी महत्वपुर्ण क्यों है ? Why is this so important to you ?
  • आपके लिए यह आदमी इतना महत्वपुर्ण क्यों है ? Why is this man so important to you?
इतना so


Example :

  • level to be defined
  • क्यों हिंदू धर्म में नारियल का इतना ज्यादा महत्व है ? Why is the coconut in the Hindu religion so important?
इतना...जितना also


Examples :

  • level to be defined
  • यह घर इतना ही अच्छा है जितना तुम्हारा This house is not as good as yours
  • यह लड़का इतना लंबा नहीं है जितनी उसकी बहन This boy is not as big as his sister