Examples :
- Level A1
- उनका नाम Their name
- उनका शरीर Their body
- ये उनका शहर है This is their city
- उनका काम आसान नहीं है Their work is not easy
- Level A2
- उनका डर Their fear
- उनका संघर्ष Their struggle
- उनका व्यवहार their Behaviour
- उनका दृष्टिकोण Their opinion
- Level B1
- उनका प्रकाशन Their publication
- Level B2
- हिन्दी मुहावरे और उनका प्रयोग Idiomatic expressions in Hindi and their uses
- हिंदी की विभिन्न बोलियाँ और उनका साहित्य The different dialects of Hindi and their literature
his, her (respectful form)
Examples :
- Level A1
- उनका पत्र His letter
- उनकी पत्नी His wife
- उनकी मृत्यु के बाद After his death
- उनका मकान दिल्ली में है He lives in Delhi (his house is in Delhi)
- उनका मकान गाँधी नगर में है His house is in Gandhi Nagar
- उनकी पत्नी का नाम जशोदाबेन चिमनलाल है His wife's name is Jashodaben Chimanlal
- Level B2
- उनका राजनीतिक करियर His Political Career
Examples :
- Level A1
- उनकी टीम Their team
- उनकी कंपनी Their company
- उनकी पड़ोसी Their neighbor
- उनकी फिल्मों में In their films
- भारत के पड़ोसी देशों के नाम व उनकी राजधानी The name of the countries bordering India and their capital
- Level A2
- उनकी रुचि Their interest
- उनकी आदत Their habit
- उनकी शिक्षा Their education
- उनकी चोट Their injury
- उनकी सरकार Their government
- उनकी अनुमति देना Allow them
- उनकी समस्याओं का हल The solution to their problems
- Level B1
- उनकी पेंशन Their pension
- उनकी चुनौतियाँ Their challenges
- उनकी ग़ज़लें Their ghazals
- उनकी सेवा की शर्तें Their terms of service
- उनकी बेइज़्ज़ती के बाद After their dishonor
- Level C1
- उनकी हर बात में दम होता था He put a lot of conviction into everything he said
- उनकी बौद्धिक शक्ति काफ़ी विकसित हो चुकी थी Their intellectual faculties were already very developed
Possessive pronoun
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