Financial sector
interest rate
Financial system
Financial markets
Financial institutions
money market
monetary market
currency market
financial market
Currency policies
stock exchange
اسٹاک ایکسچینج
The foreign exchange market
The market price
Indian currency
short selling
Foreign currencies
mortgage loan
property loan
home loan
housing loan
Foreign banks
Emerging markets
Development loan
Credit card
to finance
پونجی لگانا
High interest rate
Hyper inflation
Bank note press
On financial markets
Financial management
Inflow of capital
inflation rate
to buy shares
حصے خریدنا
to devalue
Capital and interest
monetary system
The members of the board of directors
The insolvency of the Bank
The market is falling
Shares of companies
Investment opportunity
The market is going up
prices increase
The raw materials market
The International Monetary Fund
What is short selling ?
market capitalization
مارکیٹ کیپٹلائزیشن
Fluctuations in the market
How to invest?
How to sell gold bars ?
The country's foreign exchange reserves
The value of money is low
What is the interest rate of this bank?
to provide financial assistance
Prices rose by 10%
A large reserve of foreign currency
Despite the fall in market cap
Short term financial capital flow
What are the main functions of the central bank ?
How much is the dollar today ?
What is meant by financial services ?
Public financial management system
The dramatic contractions of the money supply
I made a 12% loan to the bank
What is the value of reducing interest rates?
How much money can be withdrawn from the account ?
Indian currency rupee is faltering
The Central Bank has not lowered its interest rates
In which currency can I open a capital account?
I placed my money at 10% per year
To provide small loans to very poor people
Apply for a home loan with the bank of Baroda
The bank makes available to each of its customers an individual checkbook
How many times the Indian rupee has been devalued so far ?
The stock market is a market in which shares in companies can be bought and sold
There are two methods of analysis to predict market fluctuations: fundamental analysis and technical analysis
US Federal Reserve is raising interest rates to make investments in the US attractivz
Foreign governments, international banks and the IMF have suggested devaluing the Indian rupee