Synonym :
feminine noun
Examples :
- Level C1
- उनकी तीन संतानें हुईं He had three children
- मनोहर की अपनी सन्तान नहीं है Manohar is not his child
- उसकी छह संतानो में तीन कन्याएँ ही जीवित रहीं Only three daughters survived in his six offspring
- वह अपने माता–पिता की संभवतः अकेली संतान था He was probably the only child of his parents
- नुसरत और ज़ुल्फ़िकार अली भुट्टो की चार संतानें हुईं Nusrat and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had four descendants
- मोहनदास अपने पिता की चौथी पत्नी की अन्तिम संतान थे Mohandas was the last child of his father's fourth wife
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