to the left
Synonym :
Examples :
- Level A2
- बायें चलो Go left
- कुछ ही लोग बायें हाथ से लिखते हैं Few people write with the left hand
- Level C1
- ब्राह्मी लिपि बायें से दायें लिखी जाती थी The Brahmi script was written from left to right
- level to be defined
- बायें हाथ on the left
- मकान बायें हाथ है The house is on the left
- सीधे चलकर बायें मोड़ो Continue straight and then turn left
- मंत्री जी के बायीं ओर कौन बैठा है ? Who is sitting on the left of the minister ?
- उनकी बायीं ओर उनकी पत्नी बैठी हैं His wife was seated to his left
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