अध्यक्षता presidency feminine noun Example : Level B2 ज़िलाधिकारी महोदय की अध्यक्षता में Chaired by the President of the District अध्यक्षता presidentship feminine noun अध्यक्षता chairmanship feminine noun की अध्यक्षता करना to preside transitive verb Examples : Level B2 मुख्य मंत्री इन कार्यक्रमों की अध्यक्षता करते हैं The Chief Minister shall preside over such programs अध्यक्ष व उपाध्यक्ष की आवश्यकता पड़ने पर लोकसभा की बैठकों की अध्यक्षता करते हैं The chairperson or vice-chairperson chairs the meetings of the assembly if necessary Close the edit window and save your corrections Learn Hindi with the locals New search ? Search Search with voice ... or browse the dictionary Discover India your way Contact Your nameYour emailYour messageSend Submit a translation Submit your translation Your nameYour emailYour translationSend Listening limit reached You reached the listening limit. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Login to add to your knowledge You should be logged to use this functionality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Login to add to your knowledge You should be logged to use this functionality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Submit a picture Submit a picture Loading... Login to contribute You should be logged to use this functionnality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login
की अध्यक्षता करना to preside transitive verb Examples : Level B2 मुख्य मंत्री इन कार्यक्रमों की अध्यक्षता करते हैं The Chief Minister shall preside over such programs अध्यक्ष व उपाध्यक्ष की आवश्यकता पड़ने पर लोकसभा की बैठकों की अध्यक्षता करते हैं The chairperson or vice-chairperson chairs the meetings of the assembly if necessary Close the edit window and save your corrections Learn Hindi with the locals New search ? Search Search with voice ... or browse the dictionary Discover India your way Contact Your nameYour emailYour messageSend Submit a translation Submit your translation Your nameYour emailYour translationSend Listening limit reached You reached the listening limit. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Login to add to your knowledge You should be logged to use this functionality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Login to add to your knowledge You should be logged to use this functionality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Submit a picture Submit a picture Loading... Login to contribute You should be logged to use this functionnality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login