अयस्क ore masculine noun Examples : Level B2 तांबे का अयस्क चिली में खनन किया जाता है Copper ore is mined in Chile सोने का अयस्क दक्षिण अफ्रीका में पाया जाता है Gold ore is found in South Africa चांदी का अयस्क मेक्सिको में खनन किया जाता है Silver ore is mined in Mexico लोहे का अयस्क भारत में प्रचुर मात्रा में पाया जाता है Iron ore is found in abundance in India पृथ्वी की पपड़ी विभिन्न प्रकार के अयस्कों से बनी है The Earth's crust is made up of various types of ores Close the edit window and save your corrections Learn Hindi with the locals New search ? Search Search with voice ... or browse the dictionary Discover India your way Contact Your nameYour emailYour messageSend Submit a translation Submit your translation Your nameYour emailYour translationSend Listening limit reached You reached the listening limit. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Login to add to your knowledge You should be logged to use this functionality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Login to add to your knowledge You should be logged to use this functionality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login Submit a picture Submit a picture Loading... Login to contribute You should be logged to use this functionnality. In order to continue your learning, you can create a free account or login