क्रिया के मूल साथ ने और वाला
who does or who will do according to the context
Examples :
- Level B1
- आने वाला The one who is coming, who is going to come
- जाने वाला The one who goes who is going to leave
- होने वाला The one who is, who will be
- बोलने वाला The one who speaks, who will speak
- सुनने वाला The one who listen, who will listen
- पढ़ने वाला The one who reads who will read
- पढ़ाने वाला The one who teaches, who will teach
- गाने वाला The one who sings, who will sing
- नाचने वाला The one who dances, who will dance
- बेचने वाला The one who sells, who will sell
- मदद करने वाला The one who helps, who will help
- लिखने वाला The one who writes, who will write
- ख़रीदने वाला The one who buys, who will buy
- हम खाने वाले हैं We are going to eat
- सुनीता गाने वाली है Sunita is going to sing.
- कार्यक्रम शुरू होने वाला है The show is about to start
- बारिश होने वाली है It is going to rain
- क्या हम कल मिलने वाले हैं ? Are we going to meet tomorrow ?
- वह कुछ बोलने वाला है He's going to say something
- वह अगले हफ़्ते जाने वाला है He's going to leave next week
- माता जी बम्बई जाने वाली है Mom is going to Bombay
- वह अख़बार पढ़ने वाला है He is a reader of the newspaper
- क्या आप भी आनेवाले हैं ? Are you coming too ?
- मैं कुछ पत्र लिखने वाली हूँ I will write some letters
- वह दुकान खोलने वाला है He is going to open the store
- level to be defined
- वह खाना बनाने वाली है She's going to prepare food
- वह बाहर जाने वाला है He's going to come out
- वे घर लौटने वाले हैं They are going home