to eat
Eat !
Eat !
Eat !
to see
to look
Look !
Look !
Look !
to come
Come !
Come !
Come !
to drink
Drink !
Drink !
Drink !
to sit
to settle
Ramu, sit down!
Take a seat !
sit here
Professor, please sit down
to think
to think
to plan
Think about it !
Go !
Stop !
Stop it!
Take it
Take this !
Leave it !
Leave it !
get up
calm down
Read more
Goes by there
Shut up
Come in
Check out
Stay to the right
stay up
Tell the truth
Have a look at the pictures !
Turn right
Wood your tea
Drink tea
Learn to play
Turn on the light
let me pass
Assume that
Stop him
do not worry
sit in front
Turn right
Drink this tea !
Catch the thief !
Opens your wallet
open the door
Take this pen!
Call me
Come in the evening
Read this book
Drink this tea
Take the keys
Asks boys
Speak louder
Looks at climbing plants
Eat that
Peel the carrots
Asks girls
Don't push me
Put the milk in the refrigerator
Produced more merchandise
Read the sentences below
Make me the place
Wood in a bit to drizzle what taste it has
Learn to read and write
Learn your lesson
Call someone
Cuts the strands of barley
Do not spy on me
Go and see
Go to the market
Cleans properly
Also go for children
Comb your hair
Say something else
Looks elsewhere
Bring more ghee
Call the doctor
Take more
Tell us more
Brings more bread
Look here!
Say again
do not worry
get up
go home
Come inside
Do not kill me
Move ahead !
Sit down here!
come here
go away
Shutup !
do not scream
Put your shoes on
It's OK, forget it !
Get dressed
Give me Roti (an Indian bread)
Do not chat
Stay away
Learn humility
Clean it
Check out
Water the plants
Look this way !
Learn by heart
Slow down!
Turn the pages
Swear it
Go straight
Water plants
Make money
have a shave !
Pull the trigger
Be careful
stand in line
Ride the horses
Hold on a second
calm down
Stop talking
Do not boast
Change sheet
Change sheets
Keep working
Get out of here !
Does not throw stone
Go right away
Mind your own business
Come this way
Sit comfortably
Don't play the fool
Do not forget the tickets !
Stay a little longer
Do not forget your passport !
Do not read in the dark
Look at those pages
Do not be afraid of snakes
Do this work
Don't chat
Show us the way
Stop chatting
Show us the way
Break the coconut
shut up
Do not overtake
Mix well
Speak louder
Look through the window
Send the received information
Don't throw garbage everywhere
Do not bother me
Be nice to me
Swallow the pill
stop screaming
Stop talking about it
let me pass
Throw away the old shoes
Show and hide
Help the blind
Stay within your limits
tell me the truth
Does not turn on the radio
Don't be a fool !
Bend your legs
Bend the calves
Keep it for you
Expedite action
Ask these women
Take action immediately
Put this in his bag
Stand upright
Tick your rickshaw on the side
Do not be insolent !
listen carefully
Pull it up
Abstain from alcohol
Buckle your belt
Read all the description
Go behind the curtain
Make a suggestion
Tell the truth to the country
Have mercy on me!
Turn the gas off
Look after the children
Beware of this man
Show your identity card
Do not bother me
Excuse him, excuse her
Gives food to the brahmin
Touch your teacher's feet
Go outside
Drive safely
Start again
Translate into Hindi
light a stick of incense
Do not go in that direction
Take an example
Wash your hands
Send them an urgent telegram
Take me to the hospital
Surrender !
Do not say such dirty words
Cut the peach into pieces
Peel and wash the cucumber
Come on time from tomorrow
Do not exploit the planet
Do not do that anymore
Set the table
Take a step back
Chain the dog
Peel the peaches
Pick up your toys
Do not waste water, drink wine ...
Give 500 grams of sweets
Give him a glass of water
Learn a foreign language
Give a little more sweets
Listen carefully to my instructions
Stop crying immediately
Do not interrupt anyone
Go get sweets at the market
Don't spill milk everywhere
Call me at four o'clock
Listen to your conscience
Improves your behavior
Read carefully what is written!
Ring the bell one more time
Mind your own business
Clean up your room
Ask yourself a question
Keep talking
Give me some fresh water
Sign on the document
Do not criticize others
Remove your shoes by entering
Massage my neck
Remove your blinders
Wraps old cloths
Do not even think about it
Enter after asking permission
Write on both sides of the paper
Leave otherwise you'll be late
For God's sake, tell the truth
Please take immediate action
Boycotts traffickers
Finished your homework first
How to react when criticized ?
Cover for one hour
Write your name and address
Cooperate as much as you can
Boost your confidence in you
Push my car!
Lie down and rest
Put a little more sugar in the tea
Put the chair in the middle of the courtyard
Grabs one end of the rope
Please select your desired option
Next time stay at home
Call me back in two days
Think for a moment
Put your books in order
Put the table next to the wall
put a stamp also where you have to
Wash your sheets every week
Use ceramic dishes
do not behave like an egoist
Change gear to downshift
Don't touch, it's an electric wire
Do not repeat my mistakes
Translate from English to Hindi
Listen carefully to the doctor's advice
explain the word education
Take the example of terrorism
Put the guests in the living room
Change the patient's climate
Remind me in two days
Don't sell my personal information
Use the spittoon
Put him the ointment on his wound
Keep your word
Please let me alone
Mix all ingredients well
Translated from Hindi to English
Does not touch, it is an electric wire.
Don't miss this golden opportunity
Hurry up otherwise you'll be late
Write the numbers one after the other
Put on mosquito repellent cream
Write an essay on the Hindi Theater
Do not forget to call me tomorrow
closes all the faucets that work
Soak the beans all night
Do not argue like ragpickers
Read sitting here all evening
Wash bitter gourd thoroughly
Put these books in the bookshelf
Mix all the ingredients well
Free yourself from the shackles of the psychological grip
Don't ruin your reputation
Calls on students who play in the field
Think! There is still a possibility
Give me salt and pepper please
Imagine I have a watch
Do not use a monotonous voice
Please show the vehicle documents
Dial 15 in the event of an accident
Brush your teeth at least twice a day
Use green and blue garbage cans
Thank you for organizing my stay
Compare the two stories together
Do not forget to clean the cutlery
Wash tomatoes then cut into 4 pieces
Do what the doctor told you
Make sure to comb your hair 3 to 4 times a day
Come on, let this poor fellow have a sit
Grandmother said, eat courgettes for your health
Put me rakhi big sister quickly, I'm hungry
Do not destroy or exploit the planet
Put the lentils in the pressure cooker with double the amount of water
Describe the whole event in a few words
Compares this story with the latest story
Just click on a sentence to listen to its pronunciation
Prepare yourself to live in a new world
Stop beating around the bush and come to the point
Tell me your date and place of birth
Open a shop and earn up to ₹40000 a month
Work with that in mind
But do not forget that times have changed
Make your decision with this in mind
Take a kilo of very red carrots at the market
Use a mosquito repellent cream
I have no other bag, put all the vegetables in one bag
If you comb your wet hair used a wide-toothed comb
It is important to respect the wishes of others, do not neglect them!